Wednesday 4 April 2018


MAKI KURESHEI was a Pakistani English poetess. She wrote about women and also on identity crisis. Concept of nature is very prominent in her writings.
This poem Laburnum tree is about the identity crisis of Pakistani writers. She symbolizes the Laburnum tree for Pakistani writers and depicts the suffering that the Pakistani writers faced.

Laburnum tree flourish in April. Before April, it used to be in bad condition. Like its branches are not able to give support to birds to sit on it. It cannot provide shelter to sparrows even it cannot provide shadow to the travelers of desert to rest under it. It use to have a bad look, which gives irritating feelings to people.
On the other hand when it’s flourishes. It’s become beautiful; branches full with yellow flowers and branches are green and strong now. Now birds can sit on its branches even now it can provide shelters to birds. Now this tree is able o give cool shadow in the sunlight of summer to travelers of desert to rest.
The poetess symbolizes this tree with Pakistani writers and insists that in the very beginning Pakistani writers do not have identity in Pakistan. People even do not know them. but they have struggled a lot now  they are flourishing.
In the very beginning, their writing was unable to give pleasure to readers or in entertaining them. but now they are better than before. Now people not only read them but also enjoy it, the meaning behind text. Now people like to appreciate them by purchasing them.
This poem is written in blank verse. Its diction is simple like many other Pakistani writers. Natural imagery is used in this poem.
Poem titled is also symbolized for writers. Birds are here symbolized as people because people used to get information about society by reading books or concerning.


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