Friday 9 March 2018

The New World order by Hina Faisal Imam: Analysis

The New World order by Hina Faisal Imam: Analysis

Hina Faisal Imam is a Pakistani English writer and poetess born in 1956. She wrote much about women. She also wrote about the miseries, sorrows or difficulties which Pakistani writers faced.

This poem “The New World Order” is all about present situation of modern world. This poem is in free verse. She started writing this poem in pessimistic tone but she ended it with optimistic tone. The diction of poem is very easy, she used metaphors also.

The poem stars with a major theme that is also called the modern man dilemma. That a man is fall victim to time. A man is too much busy in fulfilling his material needs. She further insists that the economical factor in the new world order made us like beasts. We are now slaughtering humans as trees. And we are no more able to identify our friends between foes.

She comments that these are some miseries we accused of but one day we will learn from our sorrows and pains. One day we will have a New World Order. Which symbolizes that we all have equal rights, peace and prosperity. One day after facing these pains when we will have new world order, we will have peace also. We will know the value of life after death.

It can be seem that there is a clear contrast within this poem. In the beginning lines she insists that new world order is the reason of slaughtering humans but in the middle of poem, she explores that the new world will bring peace, equality and prosperity. It could be said as the style of poetess.

In last stanza she insists that we have to come out to find a new homeland, that is free from miseries. We have to come out to change this world. We should hold the right to progress. We have to look into our past that which we were not but the time made us. Time molded us into beasts.

Now it feels soothing to our souls when it looks like violation with humans. We instead of saving others from hardships try to ruin them because we want to rule the world.
This is the true picture of new world order that some influenced countries in the world are trying to ruin others for material things. This order does not means to bombing on them but while forwarding the hand of friendship towards them, deceive them.

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