Wednesday 30 May 2018

KARACHI BY M Athar Tahir

M Athar Tahir

M.ATHAR TAHIR is a Pakistani English poet.
 KARACHI is one of his famous poem. This poem is about the Pakistan's big city Karachi. The poet differentiate between the present and past of Karachi
He elaborates things in this poem about Karachi as Wordsworth has described things in Tintern Abbey. He uses different images in his poem like light house, boats, sea edge etc.
This poem is consists of two stanzas. The poem is written in free verse. The poet makes a comparison between the present situation of Karachi with how it was in past.
In the first stanza, he talks about the present situation. He insists that every few years one comes to visit this city situated on the edge of sea. He further talks about the condition of water, which is no more pure. Heavy traffic of visitors has made it dangerous for health. The poet uses it as symbol and talks about the present city life, where there is nothing pure even the relations of people living here. This is a very disappointing state for poet to see his city in this condition.
In second stanza he elaborates, how it used to look like in past. He insists that in past it was a fishing village. Water was pure and fishes used to come here. This was the beauty of this land. People used to have pure relationship between them. He further talks about the light house and vessel of boats in past an all these things were beauty of this land.

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